Ive never met a more vocal cat than Faith. Now, I know breeds of the Oriental variety are supposed to be very talkative, but Im not just talking about meowing here. Faith makes all KINDS of noises that I just think enhance her cuteness to the max. It started when she was at the vet when I first met her and she chose me as her human. The vet actually said that she might be in heat because she was so vocal in her cage to ANYONE who walked by. She was spayed soon after we had that conversation, and it was determined that not only was she not in heat, but she was younger than previously thought.
Then, she decided to show her talkative self when we went home; and then back to the vet for various appointments. She was always very clear on letting me know how she felt about being in her travel bag (and now plastic carrier). She has loud meows. She has soft meows. She has plaintive meows. She has questioning meows. All kinds of meows come from that little princess inside the carrier.
At home, she was always pretty quiet; again she was living in close quarters with two male cats and two other dogs besides my own. But now, she has REALLY come into her own. She chats with me every time I touch her pretty much. She talks to me when ever we greet each other; when I wake up in the morning, and when I come upstairs where she lives. It always seems to be chastising, like my oldest sheltie Heidi sounds like: "where have you been?" "do you know how long you've been gone?" "you're doing it wrong" and the clearest message: "wheres my FOOD?" She carries on her conversation with my prompting, and we chat all the way down the hall into either my bedroom, or the bathroom where her cat tower is (where she eats). And she makes ALL KINDS of noises along the way: she meows, chirps, purrs and yowls. Again, all the same basic message.
Now she has really let her guard down, and has started making "comfort" noises. Now, Ive never heard another cat make these noises, nor have I heard OF other cats making these sounds. Theyre "sighs". Theyre "moans". Theyre purrs of pleasure. Its so sweet to hear her curl up next to me at night and let a quiet "hhhmmmmmm" go; like shes had a rough day being a cat and is glad the work is finally over. The most precious sound is the quiet "aaahhhhhhh" sigh that she does in my ear when she lays on my shoulder. It sounds like the quiet "coo" a baby makes.
All this factored into my new registered name for her, through TICA where I plan to show her in the House Hold Pet division. She is known as Faith to her fans, but to the show world, she will now be known as "Jenns Little Gossip Girl" =0)
I just love all the sounds my baby makes...do your cats have any unique habits or sounds they make?
You Never Know What You Might Get Into!
4 weeks ago
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