So I went to the New England Pet Expo last weekend, and was a bit surprised at how much money I spent...I thought maybe Id find a trinket or some treats to bring back to my girls (dogs) and Faith, but I ended up finding more. A lot more.
First, I found a necklace with a cartoon drawing that looked very similar to Faith. How, I wondered, could I ever find something as cute as this that resembled her, since she is a "mixed breed"? So I bought it. $15 well spent in my opinion. Then I waled to what seemed like the very next booth, and found "A Breed Apart cat statues that benefited one of the rescues that was represented. I cute tabby playing with a mouse caught my eye and I had to have it. I have NO cat paraphernalia in my room...just lots (and LOTS) of Sheltie stuff. So I bought that. Another $20 gone.
Then as I was walking around the seemingly hundreds of booths, I cam across an Animal Communicator. Now, I have a friend that does this, and she is VERY good, but also very expensive. And since this was a show, the woman was charging $25 for a 15 minute reading and could do multiple pets. So, having my pocket book with all my girls pictures in little windows, I thought, why not? So I signed up and came back when it was my turn.
Needless to say this woman was very good. She said a lot about my dogs that was right on, and about Faith, The first thing she said was "she wants to know why she is left alone so long. That just broke my heart. She has to stay upstairs because my mom has large dogs who are NOT cat-savvy. So although she seems comfortable in her designated space (consisting of two rooms, a long hallway and several windows), she wants to be with ME. She also said that her "claws" hurt. Well, that was true as she was declawed on her front feet. She also said that there was a window in her space in particular with an A/C unit in it. She wanted THAT window to see and look out of. At first, this didnt make sense. The window that she sat in was in the hallway with no A/C. Shee said she likes that window enough, but she gets sleepy in it and would like a perch...but she REALLY wanted the window that was blocked off. I didnt realize what she was talking about until I got home. DUH! The window in MY ROOM had the A/C unit in it. It just so happened that the next day my mom wanted to take all the units out, and started with mine. We put the screen back in, and I attached a little bed for Faith.
I have never seen this cat so happy. She is in that window almost ALL THE TIME. When I get home from work, she always runs and greets me with her series of meows, chirps and "cat speak" to tell me how her day way (and no undoubtedly scolding me for being away so long) but I can tell shes been in the window...
Now, like I said, she was right on about a lot of things about my dogs too, but I really did almost fall out of my chair when she said Faith was lonely. It just broke my heart. Since, Ive been trying to spend a lot more time upstairs with her, and reassuring her that I'll be back when I do have to leave.
Now, I was so impressed, that although I went in the morning when it first opened, I decided to go back with my best friend Ginny, who was going at the end of the show when her work shift ended. I surprised her at work (our vet clinic where I used to work) and we went together. I knew she wanted to hear from her recently departed Heart-Dog Molly, and was eager to hear her reading.
However when we got there, she had about an hour wait, so we decided to walk around...where we found ANOTHER communicator I had missed the first time. I decided, what the heck? Lets see what this lady had to say. She said a lot about the dogs, but didnt say much of Faith except for that "we were meant to be". That was enough for me. I knew that Faith was my soul-cat the moment I saw her. Now, Ive never experienced love at first sight before; not with a human or animal. But HER...I immediately fell in love with her and had to have her. So she was right on about that. Ginny liked THIS lady so much, she decided to have a reading by her and was very pleased. We have actually referred her to a few friends already. She does phone consultations, so if anyone is interested in having their pet read, please ask and I'll get you her information.
I also asked them both if Faith would like to be a show cat; they both said that she was willing to try but did NOT want to be left alone, and was pretty much only doing it for me. So, we're still going to try. Im waiting for TICA to get back to me about a registered name for her, and then we can find out about her first show.
Like I said in the beginning, this was not my first time having my animals read; I need to go back to the friend of mine who does them for other friends, as like I said, she is VERY good, and I want her to speak with Faith. If this is something youve been thinking about, even if its just been in the back of your head, I urge you to do it if you have the means. It is a great eye-opener in some cases, and at the very least confirms or denies your suspicions.
Please let me know if there is any way I can help,
Take care everyone,
Jenn and Faith
You Never Know What You Might Get Into!
4 weeks ago
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