It means lots of toes! It usually is in referency to cats that are "double pawed", which actually is a misnomer. They do not have anything extra except the toes. In a lot of cases the toes are actually non-functional, but in some cases they can actually posess anopposible thumb. Great, not only are cats smarter than we give them credit for, but they can also sometimes use their feet as workable hands! Could you imagine the trouble we'd be in if only they knew that they have super-powers?!?!
Polydactyl cats are also referred to as "boxing cats", "mitten cats", "mitten-foot cats", "snowshoe cats", "thumb cats", "six-fingered cats", "Cardi-cats", and "Hemingway cats". The last name refers to the cats that Hemmingway kept on his estate in Key West. Many of them (and there are lost that still remain) are polydactyl and have now been recognized as part of the estate protected by law.
Reading more about them, I also learned that theyre not sure where they originally came from: the UK on ships here, or here in Boston. These "tails" of foklore allows for more names that they can also be recognized as: Two specific breeds recognized by some but not all cat fancier clubs are the American Polydactyl and Maine Coon Polydactyl, and named regional populations include the Boston thumb cat, Cardi-cat, Ithacat, and Vermont snowshoe cat.
I personally believe my little Faith is a "boston thumb cat" (and because she was found about 30 miles from Boston =0). You can see the thumbs on her paws. There is a site here: that has a lot of information and celebrates these multie-toed angel cats in all aspects.
Under the rare and exotic breeds desciption, it states: The American Polydactyl is a medium to large sized domestic cat characterized by extra toes on the feet. The body is strong and powerful with a broad chest. It has a broad head and ears that are set wide apart. The muzzle is somewhat square, but not foreshortened. These are very outgoing cats.
American Polydactyls come in all colors. They may be tailless, have short tails, or have full-length tails. They come in both long and short hair.
The polydactyl gene is a dominant gene. The cats may be polydactyl only in the front feet, only in the hind feet, or on all feet. Some cats display the "thumb" shape on front or hid feet while others have almost double feet--u,e,: a four-toed foot and a smaller three-toed foot on the same leg. "Mitten," "double foot," or "snowshoe" shaped front feet are all acceptable. Thee coat on the shorthairs is short and even.even. Coats on longhairs are medium in length and have a fine, silky texture. Coats on both short and longhairs lie close to the body.
Registration on American Polydactyls is still open at this time. This means that cats displaying the characteristic extra toes may be registered as American Polydactyls. In addition, outcrosses are allowable. Due to the dominant nature of the polydactyl gene, some kittens with "normal" feet may be born in litters. These kittens are still registered as American Polydactyls. The "PD" genetic code is used to designate if a cat displays the polydactyl gene.
So who knows? I might have a show-cat in the future! Although probable now, because Faith doesnt seem to really like anoyone but myself...
Do you have a polydactyl? We love meeting new cat people, so if you have one of these many-toed gems at home, we'd love to talk to you! (and I did say we because you know, Faith cant help but jump in on the typing because she has the extra ability to type!!
You Never Know What You Might Get Into!
4 weeks ago
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