
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Polydactyl is not a type of dinosaur...

It means lots of toes! It usually is in referency to cats that are "double pawed", which actually is a misnomer. They do not have anything extra except the toes. In a lot of cases the toes are actually non-functional, but in some cases they can actually posess anopposible thumb. Great, not only are cats smarter than we give them credit for, but they can also sometimes use their feet as workable hands! Could you imagine the trouble we'd be in if only they knew that they have super-powers?!?!

Polydactyl cats are also referred to as "boxing cats", "mitten cats", "mitten-foot cats", "snowshoe cats", "thumb cats", "six-fingered cats", "Cardi-cats", and "Hemingway cats". The last name refers to the cats that Hemmingway kept on his estate in Key West. Many of them (and there are lost that still remain) are polydactyl and have now been recognized as part of the estate protected by law.

Reading more about them, I also learned that theyre not sure where they originally came from: the UK on ships here, or here in Boston. These "tails" of foklore allows for more names that they can also be recognized as: Two specific breeds recognized by some but not all cat fancier clubs are the American Polydactyl and Maine Coon Polydactyl, and named regional populations include the Boston thumb cat, Cardi-cat, Ithacat, and Vermont snowshoe cat.

I personally believe my little Faith is a "boston thumb cat" (and because she was found about 30 miles from Boston =0). You can see the thumbs on her paws. There is a site here: that has a lot of information and celebrates these multie-toed angel cats in all aspects.

Under the rare and exotic breeds desciption, it states: The American Polydactyl is a medium to large sized domestic cat characterized by extra toes on the feet. The body is strong and powerful with a broad chest. It has a broad head and ears that are set wide apart. The muzzle is somewhat square, but not foreshortened. These are very outgoing cats.
American Polydactyls come in all colors. They may be tailless, have short tails, or have full-length tails. They come in both long and short hair.
The polydactyl gene is a dominant gene. The cats may be polydactyl only in the front feet, only in the hind feet, or on all feet. Some cats display the "thumb" shape on front or hid feet while others have almost double feet--u,e,: a four-toed foot and a smaller three-toed foot on the same leg. "Mitten," "double foot," or "snowshoe" shaped front feet are all acceptable. Thee coat on the shorthairs is short and even.even. Coats on longhairs are medium in length and have a fine, silky texture. Coats on both short and longhairs lie close to the body.
Registration on American Polydactyls is still open at this time. This means that cats displaying the characteristic extra toes may be registered as American Polydactyls. In addition, outcrosses are allowable. Due to the dominant nature of the polydactyl gene, some kittens with "normal" feet may be born in litters. These kittens are still registered as American Polydactyls. The "PD" genetic code is used to designate if a cat displays the polydactyl gene.

So who knows? I might have a show-cat in the future! Although probable now, because Faith doesnt seem to really like anoyone but myself...

Do you have a polydactyl? We love meeting new cat people, so if you have one of these many-toed gems at home, we'd love to talk to you! (and I did say we because you know, Faith cant help but jump in on the typing because she has the extra ability to type!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Still learning...

So, Faith and I have lived together now for over 2 months...and I am still learning what it is to be a cat-person. Let me say, coming strictly from a world of dogs, there are a lot of eye opening things in the cat-world. Ive gone from raw-hides and frisbees outside to cat-nip and feather toys to be flicked back and forth on the couch or bed. Now don't get me wrong, its not like my dogs being rejected or forgotten while I am slowly foraying into the cat-world. Ive just had to work lately on what it means to be a cat lover. As it happens, everything between the 2 species are going quite smoothly.

When Faith came home, I kept her in a HUGE dog cage in my room to keep the peace and allow them to meet and learn about each other, while keeping everyone safe (especially where I was working during the day). She swatted them each only one time, and they learned to give her her space. Now that we're living with my girlfriend and HER two dogs and new kitten (about 12 weeks old) she is very comfortable (although she is quite snobby =0)

So that's been our first learning to all live together in relative harmony.

But there are so many more things to know!

I bought them a cat-tree, which, up until tonight had lived in my room-it was right next to my dresser where I fed them. Now, however it is in a corner of our small cottage kitchen where they can be more active with it. Ive also had to do some research on food. I just switched my dogs off of raw, so this is another cross species project. Ive settled on a brand I like very much, so thats settled now too. Ive been down isles in the petstores that I would previously go down to get to the dog section, or ignored all together. But now Im going down them slower; taking everything in. I'm buying tiny mouse and bird toys, interactive toys with feathers on strings, things that crinkle and flash in the dark. I'm buying litter by the ton (although I did figure out that I wasn't putting enough in, so I started doing that and the box is lasting longer!) and I'm scooping it what seems like ten times a day! Although that too has gotten better...

I'm learning cats like to be touched in certain ares, and DO NOT like it in other areas...although Faith seems to like having her belly rubbed...just like my dogs. They need more canned food and less dry (the opposite of course from dogs). I'm learning that for me, having cats around is more beneficial at this time more so than my dogs. Let me explain:

My dogs, being mostly outdoor ladies (which I taught them-nothing is as nice as walking through the woods or though an open field on a farm on a beautiful day.) want to go go go. But being caught in this vortex of mental illness (depression, ptsd, and anxiety) I want to stay home and curl up. The cats are whose company I'm seeking now. And they are very good teachers...

Just like my dogs, they teach me lessons on how to treat every day as a gift, and to live in the moment. My problem seems to be dealing with the "what ifs?" in my life. I'm more apt to worry in bed and prevent bad things from happening then go out and try something or do what I used to love. I did try and take my girls to the mountains yesterday and I felt like it was a let down. The girls had a blast, but I didn't really have fun at all =0( I ended up hurting my sciatic nerve by driving all the way, and then could hardly do anything I wanted to-my gas tank was almost on empty and I forgot my purse (with any type of payment I have) at home so couldn't chance any extra excursions because I would be dead on the road somewhere =0(

So that's just it. I'm socially anxious, my short term memory is trash, and I sleep A LOT. Don't get me wrong, everything that I AM doing to help myself is working a little but its a slow process. Like I said, its so easy for me to curl up with the cats and just sleep the day away. I know I'm supposed to be doing something else with my life, but it seems like I can never get it right. Hopefully I'll keep learning from both the cats and the dogs and find out where I should be...

But for now, time to clean the litter box!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A little bit of Faith

I say that for Faith and I, it was love at first sight. I had gone into work for an early shift one monday, and saw her from across the treatment are of our hospital in a cage. She had a red cage-card in the card slot which meant possible rabies suspect. I noticed that she had a name of "Kitty" but was listed under the stray accound our hospital had. I cautiosly asked the doctor on duty if she was a stray; she was, and had come in with a bad leg laceration so we stitched her up and now she was waiting her mandatory 3 days before we could send her to one of the local rescues for adoption.

She was extremely swett and full of love and affection. She would press herself up against the bars for a pat, and was pretty chatty. Now, I consider myself quite the cat snob; usually something really pretty or flashy markings caught my eye...and she was both-a classic black and sable tabby with white markings and a smudge of color on her nose with made it bicolored. The dr. said she was probably in heat which is why she was out and why she was SO affectionate. I didnt care. I loved her sweetness, thought she was beautiful and could not then get her off my mind. I visited her cage a few times a day, and she would wake up and purr and slink over to get some more petting.

Being out back in the emergency department, it was my job to call the local animal control officer. Not because they would take the cat (most towns consider them "free ranging animals" and would only take dogs) but incase someone reported her missing. I kept getting the voice mail...lucky for me. I took her picture and sent it to my mom, whom I lived with for the last 28 years, but was in the process of moving out...which is one way I got her to say yes...since she would only be a "temporary" houseguest.

I would have to set up a HUGE dog crate in my bedroom (already tight with moving boxes) and she would stay in there to get used to the dogs and be safe. I brought home my angel cat one day after work and its been wonderful since. Now, I always considered myself a dog person; I didnt think I would ever be really "attached" to a cat. I also didnt know how I would handle the personal space issues that cats have-wanting to be in your face, and up on the counters. I always again, had dogs so this was a big change for me. But it happened. I fell in love immediately. I found myself telling whom ever would listen how wonderful she was and how we had bonded.\

She had kind of a bad rap for medication taking while she was hospitalized before I brought her home. She came home with meds, and after the first dose I gave, I proudly went into work and blustered "well! she took them for ME just fine!!!" I couldnt believe how quickly the bond developed and how amazed by her I was. I thought this might be a case of "the new shiny toy" experience but it was not. I am still amazed by her and in love with her, and its been probably about 3 or so months.

And this is why Im here. To try to explain and document how this little (well, slightly bigger now) cat has won me over...and how shes helping me every day. I know I will find other crazy cat people like me by being here I hope. I have found people who get the whole "dog thing" by my other blog, now Im just looking to make sure I cant be the only one totally in love with my cat!

Thank you for visiting, and hopefully we'll have come cat adventure stories soon!