Ive never had a cat before. When I was younger, like 10 and under, I always wanted one. But my moms side of the family is very superstitious and my mom therefore said NO. WAY. I even tried catching one from a feral litter born to neighbors down the street. I actually succeeded and caught one that had unfortunately damaged its rear leg. I kept it in my closet, but couldnt keep my own secret and told my mom. I dont recall her exact reaction other than "BRING THAT DAMN THING BACK TO THE NEIGHBORS!" So, all in all, Faith is my first cat. I know Ive written about how I came to own her (ok, ok...no cat is owned, they own US) but ever since shes come home with me, we've had a very unique bond. Now, since I was repeatedly told NO CATS and was given a dog at the time of my parents divorce, therefore making me an automatic an immediate dog person, the dogs I have owned have not had this...connection. My dog Heidi, whom is an 11 1/2yo Sheltie and my other dog Shelby, whom just turned 11 and is also a Sheltie, have a connection with me that I have not had with my other DOGS. They are super intune with me, and are extremely well trained, and in my own words (and through my own eyes) "gifted". They go EVERY WHERE with me and have been on trains, ski gondolas, kayaking and camping, and I have always been praised on how well they behave. Now, Im not saying cats are less intelligent (again, who owns whom?) But this little cat has something....different. Something...special. And Im wondering whether its a cat thing, a "once in a life-time cat" thing or whether Faith is unique.
She seems to be very...bonded to me. Now, Im sure thats normal for all cats. They want to be where you are and know what your doing ALL THE TIME. But Faith...well, for example, I took the dogs out today as it was the real first day of spring like weather here in New England, and when I got home, my mom said Faith had been sitting in the window for HOURS waiting for me to come home. I noticed her, in the window, while unloading the dogs, and then she left...so that she could greet me at the door. I heard thats normal for some, maybe even a majority of cats...but it gets stranger...
Im a Reiki I practitioner, and also have my degree in small animal massage. I dont practice on pets other than my own because of my health. My dogs...HATE IT. They cant stand, sit or lie while Im trying to do anything to them; even if the Reiki is hands off. They get up an move away from me. But Faith is like an energy SPONGE. She seeks me out every night after the tv goes off for her nightly massage session. And heres the strangest part: she gives me the energy BACK. As soon as I touch her, even if its first thing in the morning when Im just waking up, I get this....JOLT of electricity from her that flows directly from my hand, up my arm, an into my chest and heart. Sometimes it happens even if I just look at her. Its an odd feeling, and one that Ive never felt before on any person or animal I have practiced on. Has anyone else ever felt this with..anyone? A pet? A person?
She is also a very..."close" cat, often in my lap, by my side or actually laying ON my side, an she is completely aware of the healing power of her purr. Tonight I had 2 panic attacks; both due to my missing meds (my insurance just kicked in today, so I couldnt afford them before!) and because I was dwelling on my health, and using my special "brand" of anxiety-catastrophizing (where your brain automatically goes from zero to worst case scenario possible no matter what youre thinking about) And tonight I was thinking of my cardiac health. Now this cat KNEW I was too keyed up and filled with nervous energy to help, but sure enough when I calmed down a little, here she comes, in like a shot, to purr and comfort me. My dogs...oblivious. (Although I cant totally fault them; again it was their first time out, and we may have over done it...theyve been sleeping in the same positions snoring for HOURS).
I mean, this might be totally all in my head, and I just am super hyperactively focused on my pets, but I thought it would be worth mentioning and seeing if anyone else out there had the same or similar experiences. Shes curled up in her little "cinnamon bun roll" right next to my hip as I type this. And I know I'll wake up to her laying on me purring tomorrow morning...but I wouldnt have any of this any other way. I feel like...my dogs and I are kindred spirits, but maybe Faith was sent as a spirit guide to lead me along the path I must follow and teach me lessons as we go...Ive already learned so much.
You Never Know What You Might Get Into!
4 weeks ago