Ive been thinking a lot about our future, Faiths and mine. Im going to be applying for housing in an apartment soon, and Ive been told by several people that the list is several (at least 2) years long. By that time, much to my sadness and heartache, I dont believe I will have my two elderly shelties, Heidi and Shelby, that live with me and Faith now ='0( So I think its just going to be me and her....but should it?
Many many people have multiple cats; Im guessing that more people have more than one cat, than do people who have just one, like myself. There are so many benefits of having multiples that I cant ignore the question: would Faith be happier with a kitty buddy? Now, Im not saying to get Faith a "pet". Im talking about another cat that I can love an cherish just as much as I do her. But would Faith see it that way? Or would she feel slighted and unhappy about this new addition?
My leaning, is toward the latter. You see, since we have moved to my moms house, and Faith has become an only cat (she lived permanently with 2 males that belonged to my roommate, and for a short time with another female that I had to give up for the following reasons), she has truly blossomed. She has become more free, more entertaining, and more entertainable since just being the one and only. She plays without worry now, that someone is going to steal her toys (especially in the ACT of playing, she has really let her guard down) and she doesnt worry about her food or attention supply. But its more than that. Faith has proven herself to be a bully, and thats what I worry about most.
When we lived with my roommate and her 2 cats and 2 small dogs, Faith seemed..."uncomfortable". Im sure if she could speak, she would say none of this, but now seeing her as an only cat, only living with my two elderly shelties, does the change become apparent. She would walk up to the other cats and just swat them. Repeatedly. You could really call it a smack-fest. Usually for no apparent reason~they got to close to her was usually the culprit. However she was bullied back. The boys, certainly in a manner of play, would chase her either up the couch, or up her cat tower where she was queen of all under her (literally and figuratively). I had to feed her separate because with the boys appetite, she would hardly get anything; we called her the "closet eater" because no, she did not go without food, but would eat at late hours of the night to make sure she wouldnt be bothered.
She also was probably the reason I had to give up a kitten I took from a rescue. "Hope" was clearly intimidated an stressed by everything in the house, and she took to hiding under the bed for most of the day. As if that werent bad enough, she stopped using the litter box and would freely urinate on inappropriate items such as the dogs beds, car-seats, and the futon. Ultimately, for her own sake, we had to give her back to the rescue. We tested her for UTI's, added more litter boxes, everything. But our home was just too stressful...and I think Faith, bullying her by swatting when ever she got near was a part of that.
So I guess I answered my own question. Faiths doing well as an only cat...why compromise it and take the risk that might make everyone (me, Faith and the new kitty) unhappy and stressed? I just feel bad when I see my roommates and other pictures of cats all snuggled up together, or cleaning each other, or wrestling together. But Faith and I have become EXTREMELY bonded...Im hoping that what I can provide for her can take the place of what another cat maybe could...
What do you all think??
You Never Know What You Might Get Into!
4 weeks ago